
Search Results for: “”

  1. An End to Writer’s Block

    Sorry for the absence over the last few weeks.  For those who follow me on Twitter and Facebook, you know I have not met with…

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  2. Dr. Ben Carson Officially Suspends Campaign

    At CPAC to day, as expected, Dr. Ben Carson announced that he was suspending his his campaign for the Republican nomination for President. Two days…

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  3. New Trump Fraud – $5.2 Million Supposedly Raised for Veterans Doesn’t Exist

    Trump skipped the debate in Iowa in January to hold a “fundraiser” for veterans after his public spat with Megyn Kelly and Fox News.  His…

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  4. Day 6 – This Was Our Finest Hour

  5. Bush Quits Race for President

    After receiving only 7.8% of the vote in the South Carolina primary, Jeb Bush announced that he was suspending his campaign for President.  It ends…

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  6. Donald Trump Wins SC Primary, Rubio 2nd, Cruz 3rd

    Donald Trump managed to translate his lead in the polls to voting booths. He secured a double digit winning margin at 34% compared to 22%…

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  7. Hillary Clinton Wins Nevada Democratic Caucus

    Hillary Clinton narrowly beat out Bernie Sanders to win the Nevada Caucus.  This race was carefully watched after Clinton was shellacked by Sanders in New…

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  8. Day 5 – We Fight for Our Children and their Future

  9. Day 4 – He’s Going to Win

  10. Smoking Gun Found – Trump Lied About Opposing Iraq War

    In a major find by Buzz Feed’s Andrew Kaczynski, Donald Trump was interviewed  by Howard Stern on September 11, 2002 in which Stern asked Trump…

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