
Marco Rubio Moves up 2nd Place Nationally

The latest Quinnipiac poll released today shows Trump holding onto first place at 27% and Ben Carson in a slide down to a tie for third with Ted Cruz at 16%.  Marco Rubio moves into second place at 17%.  Rubio also had the highest “net positive” ratings of any candidate – previously held by Ben Carson.  This poll showed the Democratic nominee defeating the Republican nominee, but Rubio came the closest to beating either Clinton or Sanders – within 1% (essentially a statistical dead heat).

Full details of the poll

Darrell Issa (R-CA) Endorses Marco Rubio for President

Former Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Darrell Issa (R-CA) announced this morning on the Fox and Friends program on Fox News that he was endorsing Marco Rubio as the Republican nominee for President, noting that while others merely wanted to repeal Obamacare, Senator Rubio has already acted to save taxpayers $2.5 million in parts of Obamacare.

Story and Video

Veto Proof Majority in House Votes to Pause Syrian Refugee Program


47 Democrats joined Republicans in voting to pause the Syrian Refugee Program and establish new standards for review of participants in the program.  Of course, the bill faces a more difficult challenge in the Senate.  Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid has pledged to block the bill in the Senate.  Of course President Obama has already promised to veto the bill.

The strength of the vote demonstrates there is a growing sense of the President’s weakness within his own party and is a serious blow to the President’s – and Hillary Clinton’s – attempts to paste Republicans as “uncaring” or lacking compassion.  It is also in line with polling that shows that a clear majority of Americans are opposed to resettling more Syrian refugees in the United States.

Full Story at CNN

The Struggle for the Soul of the GOP – Part 1: The Rise of Gen X

It is clear.  There is a struggle for power for the heart, mind and soul of the Republican Party.  Many have called this conflict as a “civil war” in the party, a conflict between “Establishment” Republicans and “Tea Party” Conservatives, or a conflict between Conservatives and RINOs (Republicans in Name Only).  Regardless how it is characterized, the conflict is real.  A large majority – 62% – believe their party leaders have actually “betrayed” the rank and file and conservative principles.

I will examine this divide in a multi-part series.  I want to examine this conflict by looking at how we got to this point.  What has caused this uproar?  Is it as Peter King and many Democrats have said that the party has been “taken over by crazies”?  Is it caused by the Tea Party movement? or does the conflict give them too much credit? Why now when Republicans are literally on the precipice of taking firm control of governments from the statehouse to the White House?  What are the implications of this conflict and how will it be resolved – or can it?

I had originally envisioned addressing the fall of former Speaker of the House John Boehner and the ascension of Paul Ryan in conjunction with this conflict in a different context (and I will address that).  However, in looking at Ryan and the ascension of the rising stars of the Republican Party – Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz – I was struck by what Marco Rubio has made the cornerstone of his campaign.  They are a “new generation” of leaders.

With the inauguration of Paul Ryan as the Speaker of the House, Generation X has, for the first time, emerged into national leadership.  For those unfamiliar with demographics,  Generation X is the generation born between 1966-1976.  Politics for the last 20 years has been dominated by the “Boomers” (sometimes broken into as Boomers I and Boomers II), e.g., the Clintons, George W. Bush, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, John Boehner and Barak Obama.  Prior to that by the World War II (referred to as the “Greatest Generation” by Tom Brokaw and others) – e.g., Ronald Reagan, Tip O’Neill, George H. W. Bush, and Post-World War II generations, e.g., John McCain, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.

The rise of Gen Xers marks a generational shift in party leadership.  The World War II and Post-War generations lived through tumultuous times.  The World War II generation experienced the Great Depression as children and came of age in the carnage of World War II.  The Post-War generation also went through World War II, but came of age in the era of the Cold War and the Korean War.  Both generations endured the Cold War from its beginning to its end in the 90s , endured Vietnam, the social revolution brought about by their children the “Boomers” (so named because of the accelerated birthrate or “baby boom” following World War II) that saw the Peace movement, the sexual revolution, the Civil Rights movement, the psychadelic era, the birth of rock and roll, and later Watergate, the fall of a President and the Reagan Revolution and the end of the Cold War.

Gen Xers came of age in the 90s.  They grew up with the birth of new mediums of communications and entertainment – personal computers, the birth of public use of the internet, video games, and cable television.  Sometimes they have been referred to as the MTV generation – back when MTV actually played music videos.  They were the first generation to be identified with large numbers of “latch-key children.”  The World War II and Post-War generations were much more likely to uphold the status quo and were much more traditional – low divorce rate, more likely to have religious identification, and strongly patriotic.  The Boomers, especially Boomers II (born 1955-1965), were much more skeptical of “the establishment,” traditions and even religion.  Boomers II especially came of age in the era of Watergate.  However, as Boomers aged, they tended to move more toward the traditional and the status quo.  By contrast, Gen Xers remained skeptical.  In fact, they were far less likely to vote and engage in the public sector.  They were the first generation of these four that did not experience the Cold War, the social revolutions or Vietnam.  Their introduction to armed conflicts were swift and decisive military campaigns such as Grenada, Panama and Gulf War I.  They are independent, more likely to question the status quo, because they were raised that way, and also more likely to have a higher education.

While those demographic facts may be different and interesting, what does that have to do with the current battle for the soul of the GOP?  Well, a lot.  Prior to Paul Ryan’s ascension as Speaker of the House, Congress was firmly led – by both parties – by the Boomers and Post-War generations.  Both of those two generations are highly skeptical of the younger generation’s readiness and seriousness about governance and have had a tendency to hold the reigns of power close.  Gen Xers are much more likely to be collaborative.  They are not as “obsessed” with the concept of “fairness” as the Millennial generation, but they have a greater sense of it than the prior 2 generations.

The control of the GOP by the Post-War and Boomers has led to centralized control of legislation and procedure – because that’s the way it’s always been done.  The current rebellion within the party will have none of that.  Enter Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, who upset the apple cart with Republican leaders.  The leadership miscalculated the level of anger that came from groups such as the Tea Party.  House Majority Leader Eric Cantor followed the centralized path and chose to antagonize rather than embrace and guide the Tea Party and, thus, found himself unemployed.  His replacement, Kevin McCarthy, identified with centralized leadership and ultimately found his all but assured campaign for Speaker de-railed.

Paul Ryan is the first Gen Xer to become part of the elected leadership of the Republican party and the first Gen Xer to be elected to a Constitutional office.  Ryan pledged to change the House and the way it operates.  Reduction of centralized control, empowerment of members and greater collaboration.  If he follows through, this will mark a dramatic change in leadership within the party.

In the Presidential race, the current poll leaders are Donald Trump and Ben Carson.  Both are Boomers.  However, the next two fast risers are Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, both of whom are Gen Xers.  I strongly suspect that the leads of Trump and Carson will not hold.  Trump’s numbers are fading.  He will still be a factor because he has a core group of followers.  However, that core is not expanding.  While Carson is well liked, I’m fairly certain the media scrutiny will cause his numbers to fall.  He has said too many things that will open him to serious attack.  Both Rubio and Cruz have momentum and money – especially Cruz on the latter.  Regardless how that shakes out, these two are rising stars of the Republican party.  They are an indication that change is coming to the party with new faces and new ideas.  Their rise combined with the fall of Boehner and the rise of Paul Ryan demonstrate the generational shift occurring in the Republican party.  Gen Xers are much more likely to be trusted by millennials,, who generally distrustful of Boomers.

By contrast look at the Democratic party.  There are few “rising stars.”  Between the elections of 2010 and 2014, their ranks of elected leaders has been seriously decimated.  The entire Presidential race for the Democratic nomination screams “old.”  Hillary and Martin O’Malley are both Boomers.  Bernie Sanders is in the Post-War generation.  The Democratic House leadership, DNC Chair, and Senate leadership are Boomers – except Harry Reid who is in the Post-War generation.

As the torch passes to a new generation in the Republican Party, it offers unique opportunities.  They are far better positioned than the Boomers to relate to younger generations – even the Millennials that had a significant role in electing Barak Obama.  They offer fresh ideas for policy making, solutions and even for political campaigning.  They can also present the Republican party as the party of a new generation.

The inauguration of Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House was indeed historic, as is the inauguration of any new Speaker.  However, because this is a generational shift, it is a significant moment in our history.  Gen X is now coming of age.  From here on out, Boomers will fade – along with the status quo.  We live in interesting times.

Biden Will Not Run

Vice-President Joe Biden announced today, in a statement with President Obama, that he will not be a candidate for President in 2016.

Video and story at NBC News

So Apparently Back to the Future’s Biff Was Based on Donald Trump

According to David Gale, the screenwriter for Back to the Future II, the bully character Biff Tannen, who is Marty McFly’s nemesis in time, is based on none other than Donald Trump.  He recounts the development of the story line in an interview with Ben Collins and the Daily Beast.

Of course, it is no small irony that the film travels to today, October 21, 2015, where Trump is running for President.

Full Story at the Daily Beast

Ryan is in the Race … Maybe

Paul Ryan announced that he will accept the office of Speaker, but only if several conditions are met.

  1. All factions among House Republicans must support him
  2. Changes in the House Rules. made as a team – some which would limit the ability of one faction to topple him as they did Boehner.
  3. Fewer fundraising demands to still allow him to have work,life and family balance.

It is unclear if the Freedom Caucus in particular is willing to go along with Ryan’s demands.  Representative Daniel Webster (R-IL) has previously stated that he will run regardless of Ryan’s bid.  The Freedom Caucus remains committed, at this time, to Webster.

Full story on CNN

Joe is in the Race

Just when you thought the Democratic nomination race was dull, sources claim that Vice President Joe Biden will enter the race for the Democratic nomination for President with and announcement in 48 hours.

Full Story at the Weekly Standard

Tonight’s Dem Debate Host, Anderson Cooper, Was a Member of Clinton Global Initiative

In another show of media objectivity, tonight’s host for the Democratic Presidential Debate, CNN’s Anderson Cooper is listed as  a past member of the Clinton Global Initiative – a project of the Clinton Foundation.  Also listed of course was ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, who was forced to make an on-air apology for failing to disclose contributions to the Foundation.  Membership in the Initiative is by invitation only and costs $20,000.  Spokespersons for CGI reported that members of the media were not required to pay $20,000.  While we now Stephanopoulos contributed to the Foundation, it is unknown if Cooper did also.

It is certainly clear that by membership, Cooper allowed the Clinton’s to use his name for fundraising.  Already, CNN has reported that Cooper does not want a debate where the candidates attack each other, even though that was the express intention of CNN for the Republican debate.  CNN and Cooper have demonstrated a complete lack of objectivity for this charade of a “debate.”

Full story at Weekly Standard

McCarthy is Out; Drops Bid for House Speaker

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Republicans that he would not be able to secure the 218 votes needed to be elected and that he has decided to drop his candidacy to replace John Boehner (R-IL), who is stepping down as Speaker of the House and leaving Congress at the end of the month.  There are two remaining candidates who have announced bids to replace – Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Daniel Webster (R-FL).  The Republican Freedom Caucus, consisting of about 40 of the more conservative House members, has endorsed Webster.  The Republican House Caucus tweeted, “Today’s leadership election has been postponed until a later date.”

Full Story at CNBC